
                Africa Press International (API) Code of Conduct

Under the Constitution of the African Press International (API), the following directions are in force with regard to the conduct of all the Organization’s office bearers and ordinary Members.

 1.       Professional Conduct:

1.1.    API board and other Members should embrace self-service and positive Image development activities as high priority.

1.2.    Professional ethics and behavior should be highly regarded.

1.3.    Matters in the interest of the general public should be protected and preserved.

1.4.    There should be no activities to hinder public health, goodwill, general value and honor. 

1.5.    Members’ behavior should relay the Constitution of the Africa Press International (API).

1.6     No member is allowed to use the name African Press International (API) or its constitution for personal glory or for devious aims or to defraud or attempt to mislead others.

1.7     API members must have a positive outlook to be able to impact a negative world and must belief in the power positive thinking or a better image has on the life of an individual, a people or a nation.

  1.    API members must be very tolerant and patient with an understanding that what they       

         try to sore today, could only have a positive impact years afterwards and change the 

          lives of a people or individuals.

  1.     Any African who denounces war and hatred and turns towards progress and   

          positive contribution should be regarded as a credit towards API’ objectives.

2.     Impartiality Conduct:

2.1.    No campaigning of political party/ group or thought, or attempts of political influence on others in an institutionalized way is allowed. Political grudges are not to be mixed with work of trying to embellish the image of Africa.

2.2.    Preaching religious conversion or speaking for or against religions in an institutionalized manner is not allowed.

  •    Discrimination or partiality on the basis of caste, ethnicity, religion, gender or

          regionalism is not allowed.      

  •   The course to help salvage Africa or the image of Africa from a Public Relations point  

          of view or otherwise must not be limited to Africans only but everyone with a passion 

          and sympathy for Africa regardless of race, religious affinity, sex , age or size.

3.     Co-operational Conduct:

3.1.    Helping attitude change should be adopted towards children, mothers, fathers and socially downtrodden groups of targeted populations of Africans.

  • API members should be interested in courses like human rights protection,                 

         humanitarian support and services, discouraging bad cultural practices detrimental to   

         progress e.g. female circumcision, crime etc.; women emancipation, anti-child labour,

         anti-slavery drives, anti-war efforts, injustice and equality, the promotion of

          the human spirit, positive thinking talks, religious tolerance etc etc.

4.     Co-ordination Conduct:

4.1.    Public Relations activities are to be carried out from any location in the world but geared towards the main goal of image redemption and image boasting of Africans and Africa (which has a very positive psychological impact on the development of the mind as well as the soul) in co-ordination with different Governmental, Non-Governmental, Private organizations and individuals at the international and local levels.

4.2.    Public Relations or image redemption work should be carried out in contact and co-ordination with different communities/ user groups/ target groups in Africa and abroad.

4.3.    Organizational activities should be carried out, maintaining necessary contacts and co-ordination with the national, regional and district branches of the Africa Press International.

4.4.    Work should be done in co-ordination with various networks sharing similar objectives and programs.

5.     Self Reliance and Sustainability Conduct:

5.1.    Short-term and long-term programs should be conducted as required, to provide self-reliance and sustainability of the goal and work of API.

5.2.    Activities that damage the movable and fixed assets of API should not be conducted.

5.3.    Every member should work relentlessly and in a creative manner towards the institutional development of the organization.

6.     Financial Disciplinary Conduct:

         Systematic record of the financial transactions of the organization should be maintained.

7.     Self-Regulatory Conduct:

          No members should take any financial (monetary or otherwise) help to fulfil personal motives and objectives on pretext of running the organization, from direct contact or co-ordination with any foreign person or organization, violating the prevalent rules of law.

8.     Service Providing Conduct:

          Any Member/office bearers who fail to abide by this Code of Conduct or the constitution could face consequences such as: suspension or removal from membership/office after warning.

          In case of evidence of breach of the Constitution, rules and regulations and Code of Conduct of the organization, members or office bearers prior to any punitive measure will be granted an opportunity to testify or defend his or herself.

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